HBACA members are invited to join us for this annual luncheon event to meet the leaders and principals of the industry’s premier builders - all under one roof. The Board Installation Luncheon is your opportunity to congratulate and welcome HBACA’s new officers and directors, and thank the current officers and directors for their continued leadership of the Association.
This year, we are honored to welcome Supervisor Thomas Galvin as our keynote speaker. As the current vice chairman and incoming 2025 chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, Mr. Galvin brings unique insights. Supervisor Galvin represents District 2 on the Board of Supervisors. His top priority is protecting the Maricopa County taxpayer by being a fiscally responsible steward of the County’s financial resources. As a Supervisor, his issues of interest include public safety, economic development, housing, water, and infrastructure.
All event attendees must be HBACA members, current on membership dues. All cancellations must be received in writing by Wednesday, January 8.
$95 per attendee | $950 per table of ten
Check-in 11:30 - Program/Lunch: 12:00 - 1:30