ProTeX The PT Xperts, LLC

ProTeX The PT Xperts, LLC
Geotechnical Services Post-Tension Construction Material Testing Laboratory Construction Inspections & Reports Engineers - Forensic & Structural Environmental Consulting & Assessment
Since 2005, ProTeX has been a client valued provider of construction support services on a wide variety of residential, commercial, industrial and governmental projects. These projects have primarily been in the Phoenix and Tucson metropolitan areas but have included other locations in the State of Arizona as well. Services have included: foundation design recommendations for varied subsurface conditions including both swelling and collapsible soils, field/laboratory materials testing for project specification, confirmation/documentation, and to satisfy regulatory requirements and extensive trouble shooting/problem mitigation with the unexpected issues that often arise during construction.
ProTeX service offerings include geotechnical engineering; environmental studies; construction site material testing, inspection and documentation; laboratory testing; special inspections and engineering/design. Specifically:
Environmental Studies
Our staff and engineers are experienced in corrective action project management, Phase 1ESA, Phase 2ESA, and Phase 3 Remedial Action Plans.
Geotechnical Engineering
A engineering staff with work experience of over 100 years in providing Geotechnical engineering services, foundation, pavement, and constructability recommendations, slope stability analysis, Drainage review.
Material Testing
Highly experienced field personnel are qualified in every manner of construction projects providing construction materials testing, sampling and testing of soils during earthwork, wet and dry utilities, concrete for sidewalks, curb & gutter, driveways, placement ABC, and asphaltic concrete (AC).
Special Inspections
Staff and engineers with a wide range of experience and certifications dealing with special inspections – structural steel, welding, masonry, and concrete inspections and more.
Laboratory Services
We have 3 full service labs, providing specialized testing in concrete, soils, asphaltic concrete and ABC. ProTeX is CCRL, and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) certified.
Pavement design , pavement rehabilitation, soils cement design, subgrade and foundation support recommendations.
Market Sectors
Various markets that include: residential, governmental, commercial, Native American, energy, and roadway/highway all over the Southwest.