Member Focus: Stardust Non-Profit Building Supplies, Inc.

Member Focus: Stardust Non-Profit Building Supplies, Inc.
Stardust Building Supplies is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We operate two reuse centers for home improvement which sell gently-used, salvaged, and surplus building materials at affordable prices. Additionally, we provide deconstruction services that salvage building materials, divert waste from landfills, and support sustainability in the community.
At Stardust, we believe that deconstruction and reuse policies and practices can drive economic growth and prosperity, while avoiding unnecessary waste. When reusing building materials becomes a standard practice, it will create new opportunities for entrepreneurs and the workforce as well as improve our quality of life.
We look forward to the work ahead to create a more sustainable Arizona through community and legislative advocacy. Although we’re in the early stages of this work, there are ways you can get involved today!
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