Sticks & Bricks Golf Tournament at Whirlwind Golf Club

Sticks & Bricks Golf Tournament at Whirlwind Golf Club
The Home Builders Association of Central Arizona’s 49th annual Sticks & Bricks Golf Tournament takes place on Thursday, November 17, at the Whirlwind Golf Club at Wild Horse Pass in Chandler.
Online registration opens Thursday, September 14 at 8:30 AM. Emails or golf registration forms will not be accepted before this time. To accommodate as many as possible, a maximum of two foursomes per Associate Gold and Silver company memberships and one foursome for Associate Standard company memberships. ALL GOLFERS must be employees of an HBACA Member Company. No exceptions will be made. Please note payment is due at the time of reservation. To be fair, registrations will be accepted on a first come first served basis and no earlier than Thursday, September 14 at 8:30 AM.
To show our appreciation last year’s sponsoring companies have the first right of refusal to renew their sponsorship. If you would like to renew your sponsorship, please click HERE to email Lisa Rugloski. Please confirm your sponsorship by Friday, September 15.
**We are also accepting door prizes to raffle at the awards presentation. You are welcome to either supply an item or the HBACA can purchase one in your name. We do ask that all prizes have a minimum value of $100.
Questions, please contact Lisa Rugloski at 602.274.6545 or
Thank you to all members for the tremendous support of Sticks & Bricks!